Lucy Goode

Lucy Goode, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of assault at Caernarfon Crown Court in January 2020.

Goode, aged 37 and from Fairbourne, Gwynedd, was made subject to a 12 month Community Order and must attend 25 days of rehabilitation activity. A restraining order was imposed mandating that Goode must not contact the victim Rhian Walford or enter her address for the next three years. There had reportedly been “issues” since Goode and Mrs Walford became neighbours.

Mrs Walford had been in her kitchen with her grandchildren when she heard banging on her front door. Goode then invaded her home shouting and making threats, frightening her grandchildren so much that they were taken to a bedroom for safety. Mrs Walford’s daughter alerted the police to remove and arrest Goode.

The judge received a report from the Probation Service containing proposals to address Goode’s mental health issues, warning “You must attend the rehabilitation as directed. You will not get the same opportunity again.”

This tag collates all cases where trans-identified males have been convicted of violent offences against their neighbours (mostly females).

Photo credit: Daily Post

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