Callum Hughes

Callum Hughes (aka Sheridan), a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted at Wrexham Magistrates’ Court in 2018 of two assault charges against (parents) Pauline and Peter Hughes at the family home. At the time Hughes was already serving a 12 month community order imposed after being convicted in February 2018 of a previous violent assault against Pauline Hughes and a police officer.

In the most recent attack, Hughes, (variously reported as aged 20 and 33), had flown into a violent rage and hit Pauline Hughes six times (after she had tried to hide and then flee) and dragged her upstairs by the hair. Mrs Hughes said in a statement that she didn’t think her hair would ever grow back because of the visible scar that had been left. A neighbour who called the police had his phone smashed and consequently Hughes was also convicted of criminal damage.

In February, Hughes – who is six foot tall – injured a police officer and Mrs Hughes by punching and throwing cans and a fridge at them, and a probation officer (when advocating for a community sentence) stated “Her offending appears to be motivated by feeling angry and frustrated. She uses the relationship with her mother to justify her behaviour.” The prosecution told the court that somewhat unsurprisingly “Her mother doesn’t want her back in the house and feels that she needs help and possibly needs to be sectioned.” Hughes has reportedly been diagnosed with psychosis and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Magistrates ruled they did not have sufficient powers to sentence Hughes and adjourned the case for a pre-sentence report to Mold Crown Court on June 21, 2018.

Both headlines in the media reports referred to Hughes as a woman.

Update June 2018

Sentence was suspended after the court heard Hughes was a “mixed up young man” and “the issue of gender identification is at the forefront of his mind”. Further details of deeply unpleasant, worrying and repeated violence against mother Pauline and father Peter Hughes were also reported after sentencing.

The judge, Recorder Nicholas Gareth Jones, said that when he first read the papers then he believed that Hughes would have to go to custody. But he had read letters from Hughes’ mother and father, a report from a social worker and the pre-sentence report from the probation service.

“They have changed my mind, but only just,” he said.

Image via Daily Post

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