Jeffrey Mitchell

Jeffrey Mitchell, a violent male transvestite, was convicted and jailed in 1990 for indecently assaulting a child. He has been convicted of numerous offences dating back to the 1980s including sexual offences, theft, assault, burglary, threatening behaviour, driving offences and several convictions for indecent exposure.

In 2009, Mitchell was acquitted at Warwick Crown Court of two charges of causing a child to watch a sexual act. The court heard that in 2006, an 11-year-old girl received an e-mail from Mitchell’s e-mail address which contained various images of him semi-naked wearing a baby doll nightie and women’s underwear. Mitchell later contacted the girl by e-mail again and apologised, saying they had been sent by accident. Then in April 2007, it was alleged that Mitchell, aged 40 and from Rugby, sent the girl five separate links to a site containing pictures of him posing naked and semi-naked and engaged in sexual activity.

Later in 2009, lorry driver Mitchell was convicted of dangerous driving at Warwick Crown Court. Judge Christopher Hodson branded Mitchell “arrogant and dangerous” when he sentenced him to a six-month suspended sentence and a 12 month driving ban. With his wife and children in the car, Mitchell had tried to overtake on a blind bend and hit a horse among a group of 18 draught horses and carriages who were taking a sharp left turn on a country lane. He then shouted abuse at the driver of the coach, claiming he had right of way and hit a groom who was trying to check on the horse, carrying him on the bonnet of his car for 20 or 30 yards. Mitchell then revved his engine and reversed at speed towards one horse before sounding his horn as he drove past the others.

Driving offences are gendered; UK Home Office figures reveal that male drivers are guilty of 97% of dangerous driving offences and 94% of accidents causing death or bodily harm, hence convictions for driving offences are documented on this site.

See here for examples of trans-identified males committing offences involving women’s underwear.

Photo credit: UK Paedophile Database

Media reports

UK & Ireland Paedophile Database archive

Rugby Advertiser archive

Leamington Courier archive

Coventry Telegraph archive