Nicholas/Stacey Pool

Nicholas/Stacey Pool, a violent male (and an ex-police officer) who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of 14 sex offences, including possessing indecent images and attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.

Pool was jailed at Carlisle Crown Court in May 2017 for three-and-a-half years, must sign the sex offenders register for life and was also made subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Pool, 29, was dismissed by Cumbria Police at a misconduct hearing in February 2017 after admitting three charges of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity in November and December 2016. 

The court heard Pool had attempted to incite a 12-year-old girl (who was actually an undercover police officer) to engage in sexual activity during an online chat. After Pool was arrested, 47 indecent images of children were found on his laptop, including some of the most serious category A.

Pool’s wife reportedly filed for divorce and the BBC inexplicably sees fit to point out that ‘he had not seen his one-year-old child since being in prison.’ Although why any mother would voluntarily permit a convicted sex offender to have contact with her baby or take them into a prison full of sex offenders is anyone’s guess.

In November 2018, The Sun reported that Pool had been released on licence and was now identifying as a trans woman named Stacey after appearing in court wearing a red wig, leggings and boots. The terms of the licence reportedly impel Pool to inform the police within three days of obtaining any device which can access the internet.

Pool’s case is a timely reminder that abusive males who will exploit their power over vulnerable women and children exist in every institution, even our emergency services; male paramedics were recently reported to have sexually bullied female staff in the south west and serious allegations of “abuse of position for sexual purpose” emerged in the London and Manchester police cadet schemes. Even more worryingly, child rapist Ian Naude was allowed to join the police despite being named as a child grooming suspect. In a climate where abusive men would allegedly never take advantage of a system which allowed them to self-identify as women (and therefore gain access to places where women and girls are undressed and/or vulnerable) it should be borne in mind that Ian Naude actually went to the length of joining the police specifically so he could to access victims. 

Further reading 

Jonathan Best wrote this piece discussing the immediate changes the police had to make to their ‘National Trans Toolkit’ as it included definitions which implied people could be compelled by law to accept transgender ideology and beliefs.

See this tag for other trans-identified male police officers who have been convicted of violent crimes

Photos via Cumbria Police & The Sun

Media reports

The Sun  archive 

BBC ‘Former Cumbria PC Nicholas Pool jailed for child sex offences’  archive

BBC  archive

ITV News  archive