Graeme/Jane Beck

Graeme/Jane Beck, a violent male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Stranraer Sheriff Court in November 2022 of sexually assaulting a woman and appears to have received a community payback order rather than a custodial sentence – despite being previously jailed for sexual assault. Beck, aged 53 and originally from Leeds, had lunged at the victim, “seized her, held her against a chair, attempted to pull her to the floor and touched her breasts” in Stranraer in July 2022.
In February 2023, Beck was then convicted of two further counts of sexual assault and one count of offending public decency during a video call. Beck’s not guilty plea to repeatedly sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl was accepted. In the latest offences, Beck had targeted two female volunteers at a church café and drop-in centre. The exposure offence was perpetrated in 2021 after Beck seems to have deliberately sought out another opportunity to offend in an environment that was female dominated, having started to sell Avon cosmetics. The Scottish Sun reports that Beck joined weekly conference calls with colleagues across the UK from his home and “would wear a loosely tied dressing gown with nothing on underneath.” Beck was apparently warned on several occasions but “on at least two occasions, the accused’s camera slipped, exposing her [sic] penis” to others on the call.
In 2008, Beck was convicted at Ayr Sheriff Court of sexually assaulting a woman in her own bed after she had permitted him to sleep on her couch. He was jailed for two years and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 10 years. Beck had met the victim via a Christian dating website and the (male) Sheriff nastily appeared to partially blame her for being sexually assaulted, saying “This highlights the dangers of naïve people meeting other people on the internet.” Beck’s male lawyer added to the atmosphere of minimising and excusing a vile sexual assault of a victim who had every right to be safe in her own home, saying that the attack “could have been worse. At the end of the day, he did show some sort of restraint.”
Beck had new conditions imposed onto the five year SOPO originally imposed in November 2022 that now bans Beck from contact with all under-18s and all work, friendships or relationships without the prior consent of a court-appointed supervisor. Beck was also placed on the sex offenders’ register and is due to be sentenced in April 2023. When confronted by a reporter from The Scottish Sun Beck threatened “I’ll put you on the f*****g floor.”
*Update December 2023*
Having been jailed for a mere 122 days in April 2023, Beck was clearly released early and promptly went on to breach the terms of the SHPO in September 2023. Beck repeatedly used social media without court approval and failed to allow police to access any device capable of connecting to the internet. Beck was jailed for another 94 days for these serious breaches.
Photo credit: The Scottish Sun
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