David/Davina Moore

David/Davina Moore, a violent male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Exeter Crown Court in July 2024 of multiple offences including two arsons, criminal damage and harassment. Moore was jailed for a year and eight months, which will be served at the male prison HMP Exeter. The judge also imposed a restraining order which bans any further contact with the victims.

Moore had waged a five month campaign of violent harassment against Sarah Smith (the accused’s sister) and her husband Gary Smith, wrongly believing them to be behind rumours that Moore was a paedophile. The campaign included throwing a brick through the window of one of their cars, throwing lit firelighters into their garden as well as pestering them at their home and trying to get Ms Moore fired from her job. In April 2024, Ms Smith heard a noise outside and saw Moore pouring petrol onto their Mazda and Hyundai cars before torching them. The fire brigade had to be called to put out the fires and both cars were write-offs.

Alongside pleading risk of job loss/caring responsibilities, Moore’s defence team tried the well worn tactic for trans offenders of saying their surgery is imminent to try and make a case for not being imprisoned (see other examples here), However, the judge didn’t buy it citing the fact that the “arson charges are extraordinarily serious because they were perceived as revenge attacks”.

See this tag for other trans-identified offenders who have victimised their family membersĀ 

See this tag for other trans-identified offenders who have cited various gender issues as mitigation

Image credit: Mid-Devon Advertiser

Media reports

Mid-Devon Advertiser https://www.middevonadvertiser.co.uk/news/courts/transgender-arsonist-jailed-after-hate-campaign-702533 archive

Reduxx https://reduxx.info/uk-trans-identified-male-sentenced-to-20-months-in-prison-after-harassing-his-sister-over-alleged-pedophile-accusations/ archive