Mareks Burkevics
Mareks Burkevics, a male transvestite, was convicted of burglary at Mold Crown Court in 2014 and was jailed for 18 months
Burkevics, 27, was discovered in a woman’s house dressed in her underwear and clothes after breaking in and living there for up to two days. Clothes were strewn around the property in Deeside, North Wales, and jewellery including her engagement ring and a camera with irreplaceable photographs of her daughter’s first Christmas had been stolen.
The judge dismissed his excuse that he was wearing the woman’s knickers and bra ‘to keep warm’. Judge Rhys Rowlands said “This is a very unpleasant burglary and a particularly unsettling offence.”
The man was known to the woman and she had helped him in the past by giving him clothes and meals as he had substance misuse problems. Burkevics’ lawyer told the court he was remorseful and needed psychiatric help.
See also Christopher/Claire Darbyshire, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, who broke into a female friend’s home and masturbated in her underwear.
Photo via North Wales Police
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