Tanis Wolf / Tara Wood

Tanis Wolf
Photo via @CourtNewsUK
Tanis Jacob Wolf / aka Tara Flik Wood / Tara Wolf, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of assault by beating at Hendon Magistrates’ Court on 13 April 2018 and fined £430.
Clear video of Wolf’s assault on 60 year old feminist, Maria MacLachlan, in September 2017 is available in this post: Speakers’ Corner Assault Suspects

Post by Wolf preceding the assault
Prior to the assault Wolf, 26, had posted an intention to assault women who were attending a talk to discuss the implication of proposed law changes in the UK which would allow males to self-identify as transgender women. The word ‘terf‘ used by Wolf in the post (right) is a derogatory term used by men to denigrate feminists who disagree with them.
In court, it was claimed that the defendant was afraid Ms MacLachlan would post footage of Wolf (who was trying to disrupt the meeting) on social media in order to out the defendant as transgender. However, a GoFundMe fundraiser posted by Wolf requesting donations for feminising voice surgery and clearly identifying the defendant as transgender was posted online over six months previously. A link to the archived page is here.
District Judge Kenneth Grant warned Ms MacLachlan to refer to Wolf as “she” while giving evidence, saying “The defendant wished to be referred to as a woman, so perhaps you could refer to her as ‘she’ for the purpose of the proceedings.” Ms MacLachlan replied: “I’m used to thinking of this person who is a male as male.”
Wolf is biologically male and does not have a gender recognition certificate (GRC) so Ms MacLachlan was perfectly correct in referring to the person who was on trial for assaulting her as male; it is gaslighting by the judge to impel her to say anything otherwise, particularly in a court where – as a witness – she has sworn an oath to tell the truth. This obfuscation is another example of how male violence against women is obscured under transgender ideology when female victims are prevented from naming their assailant as male. It is also deeply sinister to imagine a scenario where the female complainant in a rape trial is instructed by a judge to refer to a trans-identified male defendant as ‘she’, because her rapist wishes her to.
A letter to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office expressing concern at the judge’s direction can be signed here.

Masked male supporters of Wolf
Photo via Mayday4Women
Wolf/Wood had previously entered a plea of not guilty at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on 15 February, 2018. At both court appearances, masked men attended to support Wolf, presumably intending to intimidate the women accompanying Maria MacLachlan.

More masked male supporters
Photo: TESS DE LA MARE-PA via The Times
The organisation Sisters Uncut which purports to support female survivors of male violence also supported Wolf – the (now convicted) male perpetrator of violence against a 60 year old woman.
#FREETHESHEWOLF TOMORROW & FRIDAY, HENDON MAGISTRATES COURT 9am. Please join Trans Survival, Trans Defence to show your support in and outside court for the trial of a young trans woman💕💙 support your sisters not just your cisters 💜💚 https://t.co/riO64jzUqP pic.twitter.com/YY9S9BWFt8
— Sisters Uncut (@SistersUncut) April 11, 2018
In a betrayal of their manifesto pledge to work to end violence against women and girls, the Women’s Equality Party (WEP) Lambeth branch endorsed Sisters Uncut’s support for Wolf, i.e chose to publicly support a violent male on trial (and subsequently convicted) for assaulting a woman, rather than supporting the 60 year old female victim of male violence.
We liked a tweet from sisters uncut, about showing solidarity. We’ve had nothing to do with the case. We fully support trans women
— WEP Lambeth (@WEP_Lambeth) April 13, 2018

Screenshot of WEP showing support for Wolf
On International Women’s Day 2018, Wolf was also captured on video abusing an elected union official on a picket line after she had been identified as having previously attended a Women’s Place meeting to discuss the impact of changes to the law which would allow men to self-identify as women. Wolf was on bail awaiting trial for the assault on Maria MacLachlan at the time.
Featured screenshot of Wolf/Wood’s attack on Maria MacLachlan at Hyde Park Corner via Feminist Current
Media reports
Janice Turner in The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/trans-activists-think-debate-is-hate-speech-hsh7vpmzt archive
Feminist Current https://www.feministcurrent.com/2018/04/27/trans-identified-male-tara-wolf-charged-assault-hyde-park-attack/ archive
The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/trans-attacker-tara-wolf-is-a-thug-says-feminist-maria-maclachlan-pq0bwvthv archive
Evening Standard https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/transgender-activist-tara-wolf-fined-150-for-assaulting-exclusionary-radical-feminist-in-hyde-park-a3813856.html
Daily Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/04/12/radical-feminist-warned-refer-transgender-defendant-assault/ archive
The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/transgender-activist-denies-thumping-radical-feminist-wvzgq6fx7 archive
Feminist Current http://www.feministcurrent.com/2017/09/15/historic-speakers-corner-becomes-site-anti-feminist-silencing-violence/
Gender Trender https://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/timeline-of-trans-activists-beating-a-woman-in-hyde-park/ archive
The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-battle-over-gender-has-turned-bloody-2wpkmnqhh archive
The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/24/violence-against-women-transgender-debate
Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/26/three-sought-60-year-old-woman-beaten-transgender-row/ archive
International Business Times http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/police-hunting-three-men-involved-attack-transgender-rally-hyde-park-1644642
Evening Standard http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/police-hunting-three-men-involved-attack-transgender-rally-hyde-park-1644642
Daily Mirror http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-punched-face-transgender-group-11190060
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