Mark Conway

Mark Conway, a violent male transvestite was convicted Warwick Crown Court in March 2020 of rape, assault by penetration and false imprisonment. He was sentenced to 10-and-a-half years in prison and then a further seven years on licence.

Conway, 54, broke into a 60 year old woman’s home and attacked her as she slept, having put on her stockings and underwear, with another item of her underwear tied around his head. He bound and gagged her with gaffer tape and cable ties before raping and sexually assaulting her over a five hour period.

Conway was known to the woman and went on the run following the terrifying attack. He was arrested in hospital after being admitted for suicidal feelings. He told police he raped the victim after having “spent most of that day watching porn” and saying it would force him to commit suicide – a deeply misogynistic action in which the victim was employed as a mere prop in his psychodrama, with no regard to the trauma caused to her.

Victoria Luke, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “This was a despicable attack on the victim. Mark Conway had no regard for the victim neither did he have any thought for the suffering and trauma that he inflicted on her, and his actions will live with her forever.”

Warwickshire Police’s statement quotes Detective Inspector Ollie Deakin from Nuneaton Serious and Complex Crime Team saying: “This was a horrendous attack on a terrified woman.

“Conway used extreme violence to constrain his victim before subjecting her to the most horrifying attack.

“He is clearly a very dangerous man and we welcome this prison sentence.”

In her victim impact statement, the woman said: “I have lived it over and over again in my mind. It frightens me to feel this was planned and that he targeted me.”

This tag collates many other trans-identified males who stole and/or wore women or children’s underwear while perpetrating sexual offences.

Image via Warwickshire Police

Source: This Never Happens

Media reports

Coventry Telegraph archive

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