Gerald Crawley

Gerald Crawley, a violent male transvestite, was convicted at Hamilton Sheriff Court in March 2023 of sexually assaulting a woman on various occasions between January 2016 and July 2018. He was also convicted of masturbating in front of the victim at her home in 2018, while he was wearing women’s clothing (a dress and French knickers). Under questioning in court Crawley agreed that he had a fetish for wearing women’s clothes.

Crawley, 60, is an ex-Labour councillor and UNISON (the public sector union) regional organiser for 20 years, representing police and fire service workers. See also Roger Spackman (sex offender) and Kyle/Zoe Watts (explosive/weapons charges), two other trans-identified male offenders who were also UNISON reps.

Offending by other trans-identified male politicians is collected under this tag

Offending by other trans-identified male union officials is collected under this tag

Like many of the trans-identified men who commit sexual assaults and other sex offences, Crawley escaped a jail sentence (see this tag for other examples) and was placed under supervision for the next 12 months. He will be on the sex offender register for a year.

Photo credit: PressTeam Scotland via The Sun

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