Andrew Easton

Andrew Easton (aka Annabelle Ende), a male drag queen, was convicted at Aberdeen Sheriff Court in August 2024 of downloading and distributing indecent images of children to others on the internet. Easton, 39, escaped a prison sentence, instead being made subject to a community payback order with supervision for three years, and ordered him to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

Police had received intelligence from National Online Child Abuse Prevention group in September 2023 that an IP address belonging to Easton, of the village of Kennethmont in Aberdeenshire, had been sharing material depicting the sexual abuse of children, including babies. After raiding his home and examining electronic devices, online chat logs were also found where Easton was communicating inappropriately with a boy he understood to be 13 years old and asking him to share indecent images. Via the app Telegram, Easton was trading indecent images of children with another man – a total of 32 video files were distributed, many of which were of the most serious category A which depict penetrative sexual abuse of children.

After questions asked by the LGB activist Malcom Clark, The Sunday Post revealed that Easton co-wrote a ‘coming out guide’ for LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS), a charity that receives millions of pounds of funding from the Scottish Government and local authorities, and retains much influence over what is taught in schools. On its website, LGBTYS claims to have trained 5445 teachers (in 158 schools) since August 2021. Schools, local authorities, the Care Inspectorate and government-run health and social care authorities all made the guide (now known to have been written by a paedophile) available to children from the age of 13.

As discussed by Janice Turner in The Times, this is unfortunately not the first association between LGBTYS and predatory paedophile men; in 2009 the charity’s CEO, James Rennie, was jailed for life for a catalogue of appalling sex offences against children and in 2022, two men said they were groomed at LGBTYS around the time Rennie was chief executive. In response, LGBTYS suspended a staff member and referred itself to the police. Seven months after Rennie was jailed, BBC Children in Need gave LGBTYS a grant of £24,000 and has continued to fund LGBTYS to the tune of £466,000 since. As Janice Turner notes, Children In Need’s chair of trustees, Rosie Millard, proposed LGBTYS’s funding be suspended and encountered pushback from the Children In Need leadership, saying – unbelievably –  that they should ‘quietly pay the last two tranches of money in LGBTYS’s grant, rather than risk the wrath of activists by publicly defunding it.’ Police Scotland have never investigated LGBTYS and continue to use them to train police officers.

Although Easton had scrubbed his social media by the time of conviction, the team at Reduxx found an old profile on X/Twitter (archive) where he describes himself as a Drag Queen cook in Kennethmont, named Annabelle Ende.

See here for other examples of male drag queens convicted of sexual offences against children

See here for ~100 examples of other trans-identified males who have avoided prison time, most often for sexual and/or violent offences – the so-called trans Get Out of Jail Free Card. In contrast, a transvestite male, John Murphy, who was a member of LGBTYS CEO James Rennie’s paedophile network and convicted of similar offences to Easton in 2009 received two years in prison.

Image credit: The Sunday Post

Media reports

The Times archive

Reduxx archive

The Sunday Post archive

The Secret Gender Files archive

Aberdeen Press & Journal archive

Reddit archive