Amy Rice

Amy Rice, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of arson at Lincoln Magistrates Court in 2016. Rice, 31, had set fire to bins at a nearby school after being reported missing from a centre for people with learning disabilities following an altercation with another resident. The fire brigade had to attend the fire and nearly £2000 worth of damage was done to school property.

In 2012, Rice was given an ASBO and banned from a supermarket after repeatedly harrassing female staff and behaving in a threatening manner in Hull town centre. Rice was subsequently sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

In court a police officer giving evidence said “She has been going into Sainsbury’s for more than four months, constantly asking female staff to hug her and add her on Facebook and making them feel very uneasy.”

“She has also been using crude and abusive language towards staff in St Stephen’s shopping centre, kicking down residents’ fences and shouting and swearing at people in the city centre.”

At the trial for arson, the defendant’s gender issues and their involvement in previous offending were cited in mitigation.

“She’s transgender and there are issues, I would have thought, that need to be investigated before disposing of this matter.

“The defendant tells me she wants to go to prison. She said she’s not going to comply with a community order.”

In a promotional video for St Andrew’s Healthcare (a charity providing specialist mental healthcare in Northampton), Rice reveals that despite previous offending against women, the facility chose to house Rice in the female ward, thus making it unsafe for the very vulnerable female patients.

Photo via Hull Daily Mail

Media reports:

Lincolnshire Live

Hull Daily Mail  archive