Andrew Pickbourne

Silhouette image via Wikimedia Commons
Andrew Pickbourne, a male transvestite, was convicted in November 2017 of three counts of possessing indecent images of children and a fourth count of possessing extreme pornographic images involving animals. Pickbourne told police he had downloaded the images over a period of 18 months after visiting an online forum for crossdressers.
Pickbourne, 64, was sentenced at Derby Crown Court to 12-months in prison, suspended for two years. He was made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and will be on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.
When police examined his computer, they found 47 still and moving images of an indecent nature involving children including the most serious category A, and 67 extreme pornographic images showing bestiality. Descriptions from court of the content of the category A videos were too graphic for publication.
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