Mark/Marcia Walker

Mark/Marcia Walker, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of raping two girls under the age of 16 – one of whom was aged just four. Walker was sentenced (as a man named Mark Walker) to 13 years in prison at Canterbury Crown Court on January 17, 2003. 

Soon after being released, Walker was sentenced in February 2012 to six months in jail on 10 counts of making indecent photographs of children, seven of taking indecent photographs of children and two of distributing indecent photographs of children.

When Walker was in jail in June 2012, prison officers found a document entitled ‘Plan of Action’ which involved going to (then Home Secretary) Theresa May’s home and “causing problems.”

On release in August 2012, Walker began making a series of bomb threats against prisons, prison staff and Theresa May. The threats were made initially from a bail hostel and then, once returned to custody, from HMP Bullingdon and then from the high security category A men’s prisons Walker was transferred to.

Walker, 43, received an additional five year sentence in 2017 for threats made from HMP Long Lartin. This was in addition to a six year sentence imposed in 2013 for threats made from HMP Bullingdon and an additional four year sentence in 2015 for threats made from HMP Parkhurst.

Sentencing Walker for the latest threats at Worcester Crown Court in February 2017, Judge Juckes said he must extend Walker’s sentence to deter further serious and disruptive threats. The defence team submitted that Walker had been assessed as having “Asperger’s syndrome with rigid thinking, a lack of insight and a fixation on blaming the prison service.”

The judge also added that the prisoner’s grudge arose because Walker “wanted transgender surgery, the possibility of which was still being investigated.” 

“There is apparently no other way of controlling your behaviour other than by making it clear to you that each time you choose – and it is your choice – to behave in this way, you face a longer sentence.

“The only person that can end this cycle is you.”

Bomb threats made:

2012 – In August, left phone messages saying there was a bomb at a probation hostel in Windsor. He was sent back to prison and from HMP Bullingdon he rang Crimestoppers and told them there was a parcel bomb at (then Home Secretary) Theresa May’s home.

2012 – In November, bomb threat sent to Theresa May’s home telling her “Watch your back. You are a dead woman” while at HMP Bullingdon

2013 – Claimed there was a mail bomb at HMP Bullingdon and caused significant disruption as judicial visits and prisoner transfers were cancelled.

2015  – Hoax call to Crimestoppers on December 4 while at HMP Parkhurst to claim there was a nail bomb in the prison car park and a bomb at the governor’s home address 

2016  – Two written bomb threats to HMP Long Lartin senior prison officer and prison governor on January 28 

In 2016, another prisoner at HMP Long Lartin, Paul Tudor, was convicted at Worcester Crown Court of causing actual bodily harm to Walker and was sentenced to an additional 26 months in prison. Walker claimed this was a transphobic attack although Tudor denied this. No mention of Walker having committed a series of the most serious sexual offences against children was made in the media coverage identified.

*Update May 2021*

Walker, 47, was convicted at Durham Crown Court in April 2021 of two charges of making a threat to kill and one of assaulting an emergency worker, plus two counts of breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order regarding possession of indecent images of children.

In HMP Frankland in April 2020 ( i.e. at the height of the pandemic), Walker claimed to have COVID-19 and threatened to cough on an officer, before also threatening to kill a female custody manager and another prisoner (a wheelchair user who is paralysed from the waist down). An officer responding to a cell bell found Walker with a noose tied round their neck and was spat on after trying to remove it – Walker then shouted “rape”. The Daily Mail reports that Walker attacked the prison officer after razors were removed – unsurprising, perhaps, in a category A prison for violent male offenders – but Walker argued being unable to shave ‘made gender dysphoria worse’.

Following transfer to Durham Prison (a category B men’s prison) on remand for these offences, pictures of naked children were found hidden in a book in Walker’s possession in March 2021. The second charge of breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order related to the discovery of a copy of a National Geographic magazine containing pictures of naked children in Walker’s possession in January 2020.

The judge expressed ‘real concerns’ over releasing Walker, but imposed a 15-month prison sentence in May 2021 and suspended it for two years, during which Walker must complete 30 rehabilitation activity days with the Probation Service. Walker was released to a community facility, in Guildford, Surrey.

*Update June 2021*

In perhaps the least surprising news ever, within a week of release Walker was observed by staff in a bookshop to be showing interest in mother and baby care books which included images of naked infants. Police were notified and visited Walker at the hostel – a subsequent search revealed further books containing images of children and other images concealed within Walker’s clothing which concentrated on children’s genital areas.

Judge Ray Singh jailed Walker for a total of 34 months, including ten months from the suspended sentence given in May. The judge said “I was wrong to give her that chance. This was a flagrant breach of the order imposed.” Walker chose not to attend the hearing from the men’s category B prison HMP High Down, in Surrey.

The SHPO, which among other restrictions, prevents Walker from possessing images of children remains in place, “until further order”.

*Update September 2024*

Walker was convicted on 20 August 2024 at Guildford Crown Court of a number of additional offences including physical attacks on two prison officers and sending threatening voicemails, letters and emails to staff (including one threatening to shoot a warden dead and others including racist comments). Other voice messages threatened to cut off a man’s penis, place his genitals in a blender, cut the brakes on his car, burn down his house and place a bomb under his car.

Walker was sentenced for the following offences in September 2024:

  • Two counts of racially aggravated public disorder (18 weeks in prison)
  • Two counts of assaulting an emergency worker (31 weeks in prison) 
  • Sending malicious communications (1 year in prison)
  • Communicating false information about a bomb, with intent (6 months in prison)
  • Sending a communication threatening serious harm (two years and three months in prison)
  • One further charge of sexually assaulting a man was dropped

As some of the sentences are to run concurrently, Walker will serve an additional 33 months in HMP Frankland, a category A prison in Durham. Other prisoners have previously complained that, because Walker has self-identified as transgender, they arekept in their cells for 45 minutes so Walker can wash and eat alone.

Photo via Worcester News

Media reports:

The Mirror  archive

Sunday World archive

GB News  archive

The Sun  archive

Northern Echo  archive

Northern Echo  archive 

Northern Echo

Daily Mail  archive

Daily Telegraph

Oxford Mail

Worcester News


Mark Walker on the online UK sex offender database