Nicola Watson

Nicola Watson, a violent male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Shrewsbury Crown Court in August 2019 of knowingly trespassing on premises with intent to carry out a sexual offence and sentenced to three years in prison.
A media report suggests Watson, already a convicted sex offender, was out on licence with a sentence due to end in 2025, indicating the original sentence was much longer. The three year sentence is to run concurrently.
Watson, 55, was seen on the female victim’s CCTV system looking through a bedroom window and “carrying out indecent acts” (i.e. masturbating) while walking around the victim’s garden naked, wearing only a pair of boots.
Watson has nine previous convictions for 18 offences including sexual offences, and harassment in both 1994 and 2007 and the court heard Watson had not co-operated with the probation services in the past.
Judge Jonathan Gosling condemned Watson’s actions saying it had greatly upset a number of people living in the area.
Public masturbation is a highly gendered offence with female perpetrators being vanishingly rare – there are however many examples on this site of trans-identified males being convicted of the offence. This, once again, provides evidence that transgender women retain male pattern sexual offending despite identifying as transgender.
Media reports
Shropshire Star archive