Trevor Parnham/Chloe Dove

Trevor Parnham/Chloe Dove, a violent male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Brighton Magistrates Court in April 2023 of two counts of harassment. Parnham/Dove was also convicted of outraging public decency by urinating and defecating outside the St Patrick’s Night Hostel after being evicted. Following arrest, Parnham/Dove smeared faeces over the walls, sink, drinking tap and viewing hatch at the Brighton Custody Centre – this resulted in an additional criminal damage conviction.

In 2015, Parnham/Dove was involved in similarly disgusting offending which had serious consequences for patients at Ipswich Hospital. After being discharged from A&E, Parnham/Dove had rampaged through the hospital stealing a tablet computer and food, and rolling on hospital uniforms while covered in his own faeces. As a result, the cardiology department had to implement deep cleaning procedures and life-saving operations were delayed. The offending was described in court as a consequence of Parnham/Dove’s personality disorder. Parnham/Dove was convicted at Ipswich Crown Court in October 2015 of burglary and sentenced to 10 months in prison.

See this tag for other trans-identified males who who have smeared or thrown faeces, blood and/or urine during their offending.

See this tag for other trans-identified males who have offended in women’s spaces, including female toilets and prisons.

Following the latest offences, Parnham/Dove, 48, was eventually evicted from the Brighton hostel after subjecting two members of staff to constant threats and sexualised language and behaviour. On one occasion Parnham/Dove tried to get his female case worker to inspect his genitals, supposedly for health reasons, but later admitted it was actually for sexual kicks. He also once claimed to be suicidal so the female staff member would agree to meet with him, however it was merely a ruse to discuss his sexual preferences.

A male staff member said Parnham/Dove had admitted to registering as “female” at the hostel because he wanted to see “hot totty” and that “Dove was transferred to us with no real paperwork or history. My manager just said you’ve got to take her [sic].” He added that he feared for the safety of staff and the vulnerable homeless residents because of a lack of safeguarding there, and that this eventually caused him to leave the job. He also said Dove told him he would follow him wherever he went, leaving him feeling too threatened to use public transport to get to work.

Parnham/Dove was remanded to HMP Lewes In July 2023, a male prison, while the court awaited a pre-sentencing psychiatric report.

Media reports

Brighton & Hove News archive

Reduxx archive

East Anglian Daily Times archive

Daily Star archive