Joanna Evans

Joanna Evans, a violent male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted in May 2024 at Burnley Crown Court of multiple sexual assault offences perpetrated against three young boys under the age of 13, the youngest being just 8 years old. Evans, aged 40 and from Swansea, was sentenced to16 years immediate custody and a one-year extended licence period. Evans refused to attend to attend court but the trial took place regardless.

DC Hannah Brown, from the East Child Protection Team, described Evans as “a manipulative individual” and commented that the “significant sentence handed down by the court reflects the seriousness of the offending Evans engaged in.”

Original coverage from November 2022 when Evans was charged with four counts of assault by penetration of a child under 13 and three counts of sexual assault of a child under 13 described Evans as a ‘woman’. However by the time of conviction, the Lancashire Police press release describes Evans as someone ‘who uses different male and female names and identities’ – although they notably failed to share the male names/identities. This woolly phrase is repeated in BBC coverage, even after the corporation recently received severe criticism for breaching its own accuracy rules when failing to mention that the deranged murderer Scarlet Blake is transgender.

See here for other trans-identified males who have failed to attend court. See here for other examples where the police have obfuscated the sex of a trans-identified male offenders.

Image credit: Lancashire Police via Lancashire Post

Media reports

Lancashire Post archive

BBC archive

Lancashire Telegraph archive