Louise Thomas
Louise Thomas, a violent male sex offender who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Caernarfon Crown Court in May 2024 of assault causing actual bodily harm (ABH). The victim was a young woman who had the misfortune to walk, in broad daylight, past a bench where Thomas was sitting. Despite having nine previous convictions for 21 offences, including assault, sexual assault, battery and indecent images of children, Thomas was sentenced to a mere two years in prison and received an extended licence period of two-and-a-half years after refusing to accept that the assault was sexually motivated. Nevertheless, Thomas was described as ‘a high risk of physical and sexual harm to the public’.

As media reports for the offender’s previous violent crimes cannot be located online they must have occurred when Thomas was going by a different name – in fact, it seems likely that Thomas is the violent trans-identified male sex offender previously known as Lewis/Louise Foord. This is not the first time a young violent trans-identified male sex offender has succeeded in obscuring their past with a new name – see Lennon/Katie Dolatowski who had official paperwork in a different name which – horrifyingly – enabled a stay in a Women’s Aid refuge in Leeds alongside vulnerable women and children.
Lewis/Louise Foord was convicted in 2019 of an extremely violent and prolonged sexual assault on a female care worker – she had been imprisoned in Foord’s residence and police had to break down the door to rescue her. Foord reportedly has a moderate to severe personality disorder, and in addition to a 2022 conviction for possession of indecent images of children that had “hallmarks of sadism” also received a caution at the age of 14 after accosting a woman and her granddaughter in the street. Foord picked up the girl and carried her for a few steps before putting her down, and admitted going out with the intention of finding a female victim and having sexual thoughts about attacking girls.
The judge described the 2024 offence against the young woman in Abermule, a village near Newtown, Wales as an ‘unprovoked and frightening’ attack. The victim first walked past Thomas who then overtook her on the canal path before doubling back and, without a word, punching her in the face twice. She was then subjected to multiple punches, kicks and stamps to the face and head inflicting “nasty facial injuries and bruising” and chipping four of her teeth, requiring dental work. In her victim impact statement she told the court she is left feeling uneasy and anxious about leaving her home and now has difficulty concentrating on her university studies.
Local media coverage tended to avoid calling Thomas a woman – e.g. headlines saying ‘Powys resident/thug…’ but verbatim court reporting then uses ‘she’ for the offender; readers are then inevitably confused and ask in the comments e.g. how can this be a woman if they are being held in HMP Berwyn, a men’s jail? The Daily Mail, however, is clear in the headline ‘Convicted trans sex offender who repeatedly punched, kicked and stamped on lone woman in terrifying unprovoked attack is jailed for two years’ and avoids using pronouns for the offender.
See this tag for other violent trans-identified male sex offenders who have changed their name to conceal their record
See this tag for other violent trans-identified males who have offended on canal/river paths
Image credit: Dyfed-Powys Police via Daily Mail
Media reports
Daily Mail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13501557/Convicted-trans-sex-offender-repeatedly-punched-kicked-stamped-lone-woman.html archive
County Times https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/24361800.jail-powys-thug-louise-thomas-newtown-canal-path-attack/ archive
County Times https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/24294640.newtown-powys-resident-faces-prison-village-assault/ archive
Shropshire Star https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/crime/2024/06/04/attacker-punched-kicked-and-stamped-on-lone-woman-on-canal-path-in-out-of-the-blue-assault/