Joel Hardman
Joel Hardman, a violent male transvestite, was convicted in 2011 of voyeurism (observing someone during a private act for his own sexual gratification).
He was subsequently convicted of assault and possession of knives in 2012 after stabbing a policeman; a charge of wounding the officer with intent, which he had denied, was allowed to remain on file.
Hardman, 22, put on a female rubber mask and black wig in order to spy on and photograph women using the women’s public toilets – initially at the university where he was studying for an MSc and then he switched to the Bullring shopping centre women’s toilets because it was ‘busier’.
When arrested, Hardman said he got sexual gratification from listening to women use the toilet and had taken photographs under the toilet cubicles and made audio recordings. He received a three-year community order and was placed on the sex offenders’ treatment programme when he was sentenced at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court for these offences.

Photo: MEN
Sgt John Mawhinney, from Birmingham Central police station, said: “Hardman terrified innocent women for his own gratification. Fortunately, security staff were quick to respond and detained him at the scene. It is thanks to their actions and the vigilance of the member of the public who reported Harman’s suspicious behaviour that others weren’t targeted.”
While serving his community sentence Hardman evaded probation officers, reportedly to end his own life in Snowdonia, but changed his mind and decided to return home. When approached by a police officer on a remote Welsh station, he brought one of the two knives in his possession out of his coat and brought it down on the officer’s head, leaving him with a two inch wound. Hardman served 14 months in prison on remand and was then sentenced to a 12-month community order with supervision.
See this tag for further examples of violent transvestite males who cross dress to access vulnerable female victims.
Photo: Birmingham Mail
Media reports
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