Kenneth / Kendra Larking

Kenneth / Kendra Larking, a violent male, who identifies as a transgender woman was convicted at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in March 2016 of sexually abusing a child. Larking 40, was sentenced to 32 months in prison and must sign the sex offenders register.

Larking had forced a young girl aged 12 (whose mother he met on an online dating site) to strip naked and perform household chores before assaulting her for a prolonged period of time, including whipping, slapping and smacking her.

Larking has reportedly transitioned in prison, taking the name Kendra and wearing make-up, stuffed bras, dresses and long wigs, and has developed a relationship with the serial killer and rapist of young women and girls, Peter Tobin. Tobin is serving a whole life term for the murders of Vicky Hamilton, 15, Dinah McNicol, 18, and Angelika Kluk, 23 and is suspected of murdering several other young women.

Photo via The Scottish Sun

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