Andrew McNab/Chloe Thompson

Andrew McNab/Chloe Thompson, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted at Teesside Crown Court of the sexual assault of a teenage girl in 2011 and sentenced to 12 months in prison. At the time, McNab appeared to blame the offending on being mentally scarred from Army service. The judge declined to impose the Sexual Harm Prevention Order proposed.

In December 2010, McNab was jailed for a year for affray after he threatened to shoot a former girlfriend and her new partner.

In May 2021, McNab/Thompson, 41, was convicted of breaching the conditions of a ten year notification requirement order – this had been imposed on conviction for sexual assault in 2011. The order had reportedly been breached 11 times since it was imposed.

Police had been called to McNab/Thompson’s address in Middlesbrough after concerns were raised by the landlord. While the officer was reviewing apps on McNab/Thompson’s mobile phone he discovered TikTok had been downloaded and accessed via a user name of Chloe Thompson – and that this alias (changed by deed poll) had not been reported to the police within the mandatory 3-day period.

The judge sentenced McNab/Thompson to a four month custodial sentence, suspended for 12 months, issued a 12 month community order and imposed 20 days of rehabilitation activity requirement days.

See this tag for other cases of trans-identified males who are ex-military who have been convicted of committing violent and/or sexually violent offences.

*Update February 2022*

On the day the trial was due to start McNab/Thompson, 42, pleaded guilty and was therefore convicted of three sex offences, as reported by Teesside Live:

  • Committing a public nuisance by indecent exposing herself while exposing her penis to members of the public while performing a sex act upon herself [sic]
  • Committing an act outraging public decency by performing a sex act on herself [sic] in a public place in view of other members of the public
  • Outraging public decency by behaving in an indecent manner, by using a sex toy on herself [sic]

A couple had witnessed McNab/Thompson masturbating on a street in Middlesbrough, at 3.45pm on 13 August 2021, described in court as “the defendant was moving forwards and backwards against a wheelie bin” before being seen using a sex toy on herself” while wearing “an ill-fitting black wig, a ra-ra skirt and a midriff-length top”. When challenged, McNab/Thompson ran away.

Another witness described seeing “a male on the street”, “wearing women’s clothing” and seeing that person “lifting and playing with their penis”. Yet another witness described seeing “a male” standing in the forecourt area of a house “leaning over the garden gate, thrusting their hips forwards and backwards looking at the group as if he wanted them to notice him”. Thompson was then seen walking back towards the house while masturbating.

On the same day, a woman was passing McNab/Thompson’s home with her granddaughters in the car, who were aged 10,11 and 14, and saw “a male standing in the window exposing his bum making thrusting movements with his hips”. The witness said: “The offences were carried out in daylight and in front of children who were passing. They were grossly offensive.”

Female pronouns were evidently used in court despite the fact that McNab/Thompson is reported as merely having taken a female name. Witnesses, at least, were permitted to refer to the offender as the male they perceived McNab/Thompson to be. Like many of the offenders collated on this site, McNab Thompson reportedly “plans to attend a gender clinic which may lead to her undergoing gender reassignment surgery” – this is enough to justify reporting offences involving the extremely male crime of penis exposure and public masturbation as having been committed by a woman.

McNab/Thompson has 17 convictions for 22 offences and was still under a suspended sentence order at the time of these latest sex offences. Sentencing is scheduled for 15 March 2022.

*Update April 2022*

Metro reported that Teesside Crown Court was supposed to sentence McNab/Thompson on Tuesday 12 April but the judge said he wanted to first investigate if ‘structures can be in place to protect the public from such behaviour’ if he decided to suspend Thompson’s jail sentence.

Photo credit: Teesside Live

Media reports

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Teesside Live archive

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Women Are Human archive

Teesside Live archive

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