Jasmine Hill
Jasmine Hill, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted at Truro Crown Court in February 2017 of inciting a child to perform sexual acts, breaching a sexual harm prevention order and possessing indecent images of a child.
Hill, 20, was sentenced to four and a half years in a young offenders’ institute for the most serious charge of of inciting a child to perform sexual acts. For the other offences, Hill was given two six-month jail terms, also to run concurrently and a new Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) was imposed.
Hill targeted teenagers on Snapchat and WhatsApp and set up a fake Facebook account pretending to be a teenage girl in order to groom male children to perform sexual acts and send explicit images. The police found Hill breached a previous SHPO (prohibiting such contact with male children) soon after leaving prison when a mobile phone spot check was carried out while Hill was living at a bail hostel in Camborne.
Hill has two previous convictions for similar serious sexual offences against male children having been convicted as a juvenile of inciting a male child to sexual activity and voyeurism. Then in 2015, Hill received an 18 month suspended sentence for inciting a child to be involved in prostitution or pornography.
A psychiatric report stated Hill posed a significant risk of serious harm to young boys and the defence team submitted in mitigation that Hill had a personality disorder.
Coverage of Hill’s conviction made no mention of the fact that Hill self defines as transgender yet all media headlines referred to a woman perpetrating these crimes against children; e.g. the Mirror’s headline reads ‘Woman posed as teenage girl on Facebook to entice young boys to perform sex acts’.

Mirror coverage of Hill’s conviction
Sun coverage of Hill’s conviction

Screenshot of Jasmine Hill’s ‘Transgender Video’
**Update February 2018**
Jasmine Hill, now aged 21, was sentenced to four additional years in prison in 2018 for perverting the course of justice after making two demonstrably false rape allegations – one in 2015 and another while held in male prison HMP Exeter awaiting court appearances relating to child sexual abuse in 2017. Both men that Hill accused were each arrested, questioned and intimately examined and police spent considerable time investigating each allegation before CCTV evidence conclusively demonstrated neither man could have committed the offences Hill accused them of.
Defence counsel told the court Hill had a personality disorder and had “admitted she had made up the allegations without thinking them through”.
Addressing Hill, Judge Simon Carr said: “I accept the very real challenges you faced in your childhood and the very serious challenges you have today, which for many would be met with sympathy.”“Prison is a difficult environment when you are in a position where you are transgender pre-op.”
“However, you are extremely manipulative and will fabricate stories that are simply not true, in order to further your cause.”
Hill was returned to prison (reportedly a ‘special wing of a prison on the Isle of Wight with other transgender prisoners’) and only when ‘judged safe to be released by the prison authorities’ will Hill then serve the extra four years in prison.
Photo credit: Devon & Cornwall Police
Media reports
Devon Live https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/transexual-paedophile-claimed-raped-cell-1242068 archive
Cornwall Live https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/transgender-woman-jasmine-hill-jailed-1239904
Cornwall Live https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/cornwall-sex-offender-sentenced-past-814741 archive
Metro http://metro.co.uk/2018/02/21/trans-woman-jasmine-hill-lied-raped-mens-prison-child-abuse-sentencing-7329420/ archive
Daily Mirror http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-posed-teenage-girl-facebook-9759228