Nigel/Emma Davies

Nigel/Emma Davies, a male who identifies as a transgender woman, was convicted at Workington Magistrates Court on 14 May 2024 of making indecent images of children.

Davies also admitted failing to surrender to court bail the previous day and spun magistrates a yarn about being too scared to attend court due to fears of being misgendered. Other trans-identified offenders who have failed to attend court are listed under this tag.

Davies said: “Because of who I now am, although the responsibility is now mine, the person I used to be, throughout my life, this has always been there. “I was having to face who I used to be. I was terrified. I didn’t know how you were going to address me in court. That played with my anxiety.” Referring to a name change, Davies added: “It’s a legal status now and everything.” This suggests Davies was arrested under a male name (which wasn’t initially reported so couldn’t be checked as to previous convictions) indicating yet another case of so-called Prison Onset Gender Dysphoria where declaration of a trans identity is made after criminal charges have been brought.

Statements such as “the person I used to be” also suggest (like at least two other trans-identified male sex offenders Peter/Jasmine Challands and Amy Gray) that it was a ‘former’ male self responsible for the offending and not some different person they now claim to be.

Davies, 59, of Frizington, Cumbria was granted bail until sentencing on June 12, with conditions not to reside at any premises where children under the age of 18 are present and not to have any unsupervised contact with children under 18. Bail being granted apparently means Davies can carry on working at Asda where it is unknown how these conditions could possibly be met unless Davies is accompanied by another staff member at all times.

*Update June 2024*

Predictably, Davies wasn’t jailed, instead receiving a five-year sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) and a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days. Davies was also fined £120, ordered to pay £85 costs, a £114 victim surcharge and must present to the police station as a sex offender within three days.

Police apparently attended Davies’ home address at Moor Place in Frizington, Cumbria on August 31, 2023 after receiving information that the occupant, Nigel Davies, had been accessing images of children online. It then transpired that Davies had been sharing indecent images of a female child in order to present himself as a young girl online to other young girls in order to engage with them, insisting it wasn’t for sexual gratification but was for the ‘persona of who she [sic] wanted to be’ – i.e. Davies had zero concern for the actual child whose images were shared or the girls he approached, it was all about what he wanted and his fantasy persona.

Davies represented himself and spun a mendacious story that having transitioned in February 2024 (i.e. after arrest) he was somehow not the person now that had shared the images and approached young girls online mere months ago, telling the court “Over the last nine months, I have lost a lot. I made the decision to rebuild my life. I’m transitioning. I would like the opportunity to progress with that. “I’m the happiest I have ever been in my life. When I speak to probation, it’s distressing for me to go back to a person that I am not. I don’t like that person. “It was me but it’s not me now.”

Image credit: Newsquest via News & Star

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