Daniel/Sophie Eastwood

David / Skye Woolridge

Gary/Carrie Cooper

Keith Thompson/ Kathleen Carpenter

Tanis Wolf / Tara Wood

Alan McKenzie

Ben/Lana Laws

Nicholas March

Francesca Camicia

Paris Clarke

Transgender individuals who have killed/attempted to kill others in the UK

Michael Cohen

Hannah/Adam Bonser

Andre Kirlew/Allahra Aziz

South Yorkshire Transvestite Violent Offender

Jodie/Jay Ferguson

Paris Bregazzi

IDEVAW 2017: Naming & recording male violence against women & girls

Aiden Riley

There’s no evidence trans people are murdered at higher rates than the general population in the UK

Trans homicides in the UK: a closer look at the numbers

Louise Croft

List of male trans individuals convicted of violence against women & children

Lewes Transvestite Sex Offender

Stephen Clarke

James Clayton

Graham Simpson

Sarbjeet Jagdev

Speakers’ Corner Assault Suspects

Martin Ponting/ Jessica Winfield

Martyn / Jade Eatough

Andrew Burns / Tiffany Scott

Jasmine Hill

Gavin / Katie Brannen

Andrew Pickbourne

Mark/Marcia Walker

Sam Broadhurst

Shantelle Taylor

Terence Moore

Islington Transvestite Sex Offender