Abuse by trans-identified males of fellow prisoners, prison staff and other law enforcement officers

1. Abuse of female prisoners
England and Wales

Stephen Wood/Karen White (no GRC) – rapist who sexually assaulted multiple women within weeks of being remanded to HMP New Hall, before being transferred to a men’s prison

Unnamed 43 year-old trans prisoner – murderer held at HMP Bronzefield sexually pursued a much younger vulnerable female prisoner – and a whistleblower revealed an allegation of sexual assault against a second female prisoner. Transferred to HMP Downview transgender unit for male prisoners with a GRC

Gordon/Nicola Cope – segregated from female prisoners in HMP Foston Hall after being accused of a serious sexual assault. Cope had also sexually pursued a number of female prisoners in the first year of being incarcerated and also lost a job in the prison kitchen after brewing alcohol.

Kyle Lockwood/Kayleigh Louise Woods (no GRC) – murderer (of a woman) who secured a transfer to a female prison (HMP Eastwood Park) who then, within weeks, sexually pursued a female prisoner before being transferred back to a men’s prison

John/Sally Ann Dixon – paedophile (no GRC) moved soon after arriving at women’s prison HMP Bronzefield after sexually pursuing a vulnerable female inmate with learning disabilities and reportedly making inappropriate comments to other female prisoners and staff

Paul Hayes/Lisa Woodhall – violent male prisoner who made repeated threats to prisoners and staff, disrupted a female therapeutic community (TC) at HMP Send by sexually pursuing another member of the group, then reported that sexual contact was followed briefly by a desire to kill. Another prisoner was moved for her own safety after complaining that Woodhall stalked her

Prisoner J – rapist accused of sexual assault of a female prisoner at HMP Bronzefield

Shaun Pudwell/Michelle Lewin – predatory paedophile who was transferred (before having gender recognition surgery) to the female estate at HMP Peterborough. The women were reportedly terrified

Craig/Emma Bowman – prisoner with a conviction for violence against a woman was moved from HMP New Hall after sexually pursuing a female prisoner and stopping hormone treatment

Douglas/Tai Wakefield – murderer (who killed a fellow prisoner and twice took prison officers hostage) sexually pursued female prisoners when subsequently transferred to HMP New Hall

Martin Ponting/Jessica Winfield – rapist who had to be segregated from female inmates at HMP Bronzefield after making ‘unwanted advances’ i.e. sexually threatening female prisoners


Peter Laing/Paris Green – the male murderer who, within weeks of conviction, was sexually pursuing female prisoners at both HMP Cornton Vale and the women’s wing of HMP Edinburgh before eventually being moved to the men’s section of the jail.

Callum/Stacie McLean – violent offender who was placed on report and kept segregated after several female prisoners reported that McLean had threatened to rape them

2. Abuse of male prisoners
England and Wales 

Paul/Keira Fitzgerald – sex offender who tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered fellow prisoner Richard Huckle in HMP Full Sutton in 2019. Jurors were told Fitzgerald was a risk to females and presented a risk of hostage taking. Fitzgerald’s violence against another prisoner and staff are detailed in the report into Huckle’s death available here

Douglas/Tai Wakefield – murderer who strangled, stabbed and beat a fellow male prisoner to death and twice took prison officers hostage and tried to kill one of them. Subsequently transferred to women’s estate at HMP New Hall

Edward Brown/Joanne Latham – attempted to kill both a fellow male prisoner at HMP Frankland and a second prisoner at Rampton secure psychiatric hospital. Housed in the close supervision centre (CSC) of HMP Woodhill after repeated violence and threats against prisoners and staff 

Alan/Sarah-Jane Baker – armed robber and kidnapper attempted to murder a fellow male prisoner 

Unnamed prisoner – paedophile convicted of the rape of a fellow prisoner at HMP Full Sutton

Mark/Marcia Walker – child rapist and terrorist threatened to kill a fellow male prisoner, a wheelchair user who is paralysed from the waist down

Jasmine Hill  – paedophile sex offender made a false rape allegation against a prisoner at HMP Exeter which CCTV evidence conclusively demonstrated didn’t happen

Joshua/Leah Harvey: during sentencing for sexually harassing a young girl, the judge detailed allegations that Harvey had sexually assaulted a male prisoner at HMP Parc (and been verbally abusive to prison officers)

Adam Graham/Isla Bryson: made unwanted sexual advances towards and attempted to blackmail another male sex offender prisoner at HMP Edinburgh


Daniel/ Sophie Eastwood – convicted of the murder of fellow inmate Paul Algae, 22, in HMP Dumfries in 2004

Katie Dolatowski – child sex offender who assaulted a fellow male prisoner in HMYOI Polmont in 2021. Later recalled to prison and held in female estate (HMP Cornton Vale)

Colin Coats – murderer convicted of possessing a weapon in HMP Shotts. Not guilty pleas to two charges of assaulting fellow prisoners were accepted

Refused transfer to women’s prisons

Andrew Burns/Tiffany Scott – unmanageably violent offender was refused transfer to the female estate in 2023 (after – unbelievably – gaining approval initially) in the wake of the public furore surrounding the double rapist Adam Graham/Isla Bryson being sent to a a female prison after self-identifying as transgender following arrest

David Smith/Attila Taylor – violent multiple rapist refused transfer away from HMP Barlinnie

Joseph/Jo White – child sex offender refused transfer away from HMP Barlinnie

Mark/Marcia Walker – child rapist with multiple threats and attacks against fellow prisoners and prison officers

Edward Brown/Joanne Latham – extremely violent prisoner guilty of at least three attempted murders, including two fellow prisoners

Paris Bregazzi – violent offender with an appalling catalogue of violence against female members of the public (and no GRC) was refused a transfer from HMP Pentonville to HMP Bronzefield

Peter Syme/Andrew McWilliam/Jacqui McWilliam – serial rapist refused transfer to women’s prison from HMP Glenochil

Kali Gills – violent offender convicted of GBH against a woman refused transfer to a women’s prison on the basis of not having a GRC

Unnamed sex offender – refused transfer from HMP Littlehey (a male sex offenders’ prison) to a women’s prison

3. Abuse of prison officers
Female prison officers

Katana Paris: Sexual assault of female prison officer

Paul/Keira Fitzgerald – sex offender and murderer (of a fellow prisoner) convicted of the false imprisonment of a female prison officer at HMP Full Sutton and ongoing threats and violent sexual fantasies about hurting and humiliating women, in particular a desire to mutilate a female officer

Richard McCabe/Melissa Young – murderer convicted of a serious assault on a female prison officer at HMP Cornton Vale. An allegation that Young assaulted a second female prison officer was dropped by the prosecution. 

Daniel / Sophie Eastwood – murderer (of a fellow prisoner) who so terrified a female prison officer after somehow gaining access to information on her and her family that she resigned from HMYOI Dumfries

Carl Regan/Lucy Couture – violent offender convicted of assault after seeking out a female prison officer and throwing a cupful of urine in her face at HMP Wormwood Scrubs

Mark/Marcia Walker – child rapist threatened to kill a female custody manager (and made bomb threats against then Home Secretary Theresa May)

Andrew Burns/Tiffany Scott – demanded searches only by female officers in HMP Glenochil after identifying as transgender. Three female prison officers defied orders and brought in their trade union to support them. Medical staff at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary refused to treat Burns after he hit a nurse across the back with a chair

Paul Hayes/Lisa Woodhall – violent male prisoner who made repeated threats to staff (and other prisoners)

Aaron Herschell – female prison officers at HMYOI Polmont took concerns to management and their union after being “ordered to carry out rubdown searches on the prisoner when necessary”, fearing they may lose their job if they refused. Herschell  – a sex offender – had identified as transgender only when charged, and later dropped the claim.

[In addition, a female prisoner who identifies as a transgender man, Hannah/Adam Bonser, was moved to the hospital wing of HMP New Hall after reportedly assaulting a female prison officer and self harming. Another female prisoner who identifies as a transgender man, Jodie/Jay Ferguson, was convicted of malicious communications after making threats to a female officer within a Merseyside sex offender unit.]

Male prison officers (or where sex of officer is unknown)

Katana Paris: Sexual assault of male prison officer

Douglas/Tai Wakefield – murderer (of a fellow prisoner) who twice took prison officers hostage and tried to kill one of them

Daniel / Sophie Eastwood – murderer (of a fellow prisoner) sentenced to an extra 10 months for a violent attack on prison officer Mark Brownsmith in HMYOI Dumfries

Andrew Burns/Tiffany Scott – serial violent offender on an Order of Lifelong Restriction assaulted four prison officers and a prison nurse at HMP Glenochil. Assault of a further four police officers at HMP Low Moss/Glasgow Royal Infirmary, behaving in a threatening or abusive manner and vandalism

Mark/Marcia Walker – child rapist assaulted male prison officer in HMP Frankland. Also made threats to kill prison governors at HMP Isle of Wight and HMP Long Lartin

Jenny Swift – murderer who subjected prison healthcare staff to repeated racist abuse 

Robert/Rebecca Ormrod – child rapist convicted of assaulting a male prison officer in HMP Isle of Wight

Martyn/Jade Eatough – rapist who lost privileges in HMP Isle Of Wight after threatening a member of staff

Joshua/Leah Harvey: during sentencing for sexually harassing a young girl, the judge detailed allegations that Harvey had been verbally abusive to prison officers at HMP Parc (and sexually assaulted a male prisoner)

4. Abuse of police officers
Female police officers

Paris Bregazzi – violent repeat offender with over 90 convictions, many of them against female members of the public, assaulted a female police officer and a female security guard at Waterloo station

Pablo/Diana Tarazaga Orero – violent offender convicted of making threats to kill a female security officer

Eve Crawford – violent offender convicted of extreme racist and homophobic slurs against both female and male police officers

John/Joanna White – convicted of assaulting a female police officer and three other police officers when arresting White for subjecting a busker to racial abuse

Helen Doe – sexually harassed a female police officer while being arrested on suspicion of murder

Ronald Logan – indecently exposed himself and committed ‘an indecent act on himself’ when police officers arrested him for a sex offence

Tyrone/Trinity Sanders assault by beating of a multiple police officers, at least one of whom was female,  assault by beating of two male police officers, criminal damage to a shop and multiple thefts

Male police officers (or where sex of officer is unknown)

Andrew Fleming/Susan Hope: assault of a police officer after being arrested for violently threatening and harassing a female neighbour

Jade Anderson: assault of a police officer (and a paramedic)

Jason Pilley/Jane Knightingale – violent offender who exposed penis and testicles and obstructed police officers called to their address in Edinburgh following reports of violent disturbance

Paris Bregazzi – violent offender with over 90 convictions, pushed off-duty police officer Sam Chegwin onto rail tracks at a London station. Later assaulted another male police officer while being arrested for another assault

Barrie/Mallory Wilks – convicted of serious attacks on two male police officers (one receiving life-changing injuries) just days after being given a community order for a previous attack on two other police officers in Swansea

Joel Hardman – sex offender convicted of stabbing a male police officer in Wales

Rachelle Mikhnevich – violent offender convicted of threatening, assaulting and racially abusing a security officer and two police officers in a supermarket. Further assault on two police officers trying to arrest Mikhnevich for assaulting seven female healthcare staff at a Liverpool hospital  

Colin Orr/Katniss Everdeen – violent offender convicted of racially abusing a police officer arresting Orr on assault charges

Francesca Camicia – convicted of threatening behaviour towards Heathrow security staff involving racial slurs and accusing a Muslim officer of being a terrorist

Alan/Alannah Morgan – violent offender convicted of exposing his buttocks, pulling down his trousers to expose his genitals to police officers and repeatedly spitting when being arrested for assault in Dundee

Kim Goode – violent offender convicted of assaulting a police officer after exposing their genitals and throwing urine on a constable after being arrested for stealing from a charity shop

Gary Marie/Marie Dean – sex offender who sprayed CS gas in the faces of six police officers arresting him for multiple sex offences against women and girls

Stuart Kelly/Katelyn Findlay – serial violent offender convicted of assaults on police officers in Scotland 

Josh/Samantha Howard – assault of three police officers and damage of a police car in Newcastle

Robert Cook – convicted of harassment after making wholly untrue allegations against a police officer and subjecting him to a two year obsessive hate campaign

Rachael Bailey – convicted of assaulting police officers in Brighton 

Callum Hughes – convicted of violence against a female relative and a police officer in 2018

Leicester Square violent offenders – two police officers assaulted when arresting the offenders

Clive Watson – serial burglar who injured a police officer by trying to escape with the PC’s arm trapped in his car window. Watson committed the burglaries to fund gender surgery

Tyrone/Trinity Sanders assault by beating of a multiple police officers and a PCSO, outraging public decency by urinating and defecating in a police vehicle and indecent behaviour within a police cell, racially aggravated assaults and abuse of security guards

Debra Wright – remanded to prison charged with assaulting an emergency worker during the Bristol ‘Kill The Bill’ riot in 2021. Verdict unknown

See also – attacks by trans-identified male offenders against healthcare staff are collated under this tag